Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Note from Maureen

Dear Ladies ---

Writing my note to you each month reminds me how fast time passes. I just finished my thoughts for March and it's time to speak of April. Our weather has turned so lovely and after our cold winter the warm days are very welcome. April ushers in our beloved DDM tournament. I hope everyone has found a partner. I've got mine and I can't wait to tee it up with Grace on Thursday and Friday!

We have a little over a month left before our Grape Escape. If anyone is looking for a partner let me know so I can help you find the perfect person. We need volunteers to help that day (Friday, May 15th) so please let me know if you are not playing but would like to lend a hand. Your Invitational Committee is hard at work to make this year's event the best ever. I just received the tee prizes and they are really special. I hope everyone will be as pleased as I am.

Spring is definitely here so what better way to enjoy our beautiful days than to call three friends and make a tee time. I hope I'm part of your foursome this month!


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